5 Ways to Reduce Bloating Naturally & Effectively

rachypeachy • Sep 08, 2017

Who doesn’t get bloated? Either you ate too much, ate something that disagreed with you, maybe you have no idea why you are bloated or maybe you are suffering from chronic bloating! Whatever the reason, bloating can be severely uncomfortable and frustrating. The good new is, however, that there are some incredibly powerful natural remedies to reduce or get rid of your bloating quickly and effectively.

  1. Activated Charcoal – Activated charcoal is an incredible compound that can be found in capsules at any local health store or pharmacy. It absorbs gas thereby reducing your bloated belly!
  2. Peppermint Essential Oil or Peppermint Tea – Peppermint is an incredibly powerful herb that can reduce bloating, improve stomach upset and reduce nausea. If you are using peppermint essential oil remember to combine with a carrier oil (like coconut or grapeseed oil) before applying to the skin on your abdomen because it is very potent and can ‘burn’ the skin. Peppermint tea can be sipped throughout the day as needed or after a meal to reduce bloating and stomach upset.
  3. Carbo Vegetalis Homeopathic Remedy – Carbo Veg is for that bloating that you get after eating or drinking with lots of belching and a heavy feeling in the stomach. The bloating may be more upper of your upper abdomen and you may feel pain over your stomach which is worse lying down. The belching may have a foul odour. How to Take: Carbo veg 30C – Let 2 pellets dissolve under your tongue and repeat every 15 minutes or more up to a maximum of 6 times. Take 20 minutes after eating or drinking and wait 20 minutes before eating or drinking after taking it.
  4. Lycopodium Clavatum Homeopathic Remedy – Lycopodium is more for that bloating that you get even if you only ate a tiny amount of food. You will find there is lots of gurgling or rumbling of your abdomen and that your lower abdomen may be more bloated. Belches may have a sour taste.  How to Take: Lycopodium 30C – Let 2 pellets dissolve under your tongue and repeat every 15 minutes or more up to a maximum of 6 times. Take 20 minutes after eating or drinking and wait 20 minutes before eating or drinking after taking it.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) – ACV is great if you have after meal bloating, belching or reflux. A teaspoon or two with a little bit of water can be sipped on helping to improve digestion of the meal and thereby reduce bloating. Remember though, if this is a chronic issue after eating you most likely suffer from low stomach acid and probably need to see a qualified natural health care professional who can help you get your digestion back in order.

These suggestions may be helpful but will not get to underlying causes.

Just remember that sometimes bloating is a sign of other health issues that may need to be treated by a qualified health care professional.


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