Should you take Apple Cider Vinegar?

rachypeachy • Feb 09, 2017

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is all the rage as a fat-burning, blood-sugar lowering, cancer-fighting, inflammation-reducing home remedy. Plus it is cheap, easily accessible and simple to take.

Personally, I think the stuff tastes nasty, despite all the recommendations to sweeten with honey, or add cinnamon, (I mean, who likes to drink vinegar?) but I do drink it! As I quickly chug it every morning I tell myself, “This is healthy! This is healthy!” and I quickly chase it down with a cup of cool, plain water. Who said healthy was fun!?

Should you drink this stuff? Are the benefits really as true as they claim to be? How much should you drink to get it’s benefits? Is there anyway to drink it that is slightly bearable? Maybe you are a fairly healthy person and don’t think you need to add/do anything for your health.

Personally the use and ingestion of ACV is probably the one thing I would recommend to anyone whether you are healthy or struggling with health issues.

Why? Not only is it easy to take and affordable, but because the health benefits of ACV are so numerous and far-reaching, it is a sensible thing to take!

Apple cider vinegar provides numerous health benefits including:

  1. Detoxification – This is something everyone needs! We are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis – from the air we breathe in to the food we eat! ACV is capable of helping your body ‘clean’ your liver, lymphatics and digestive system.
  2. Improved digestion – We all struggle with issues with our digestion at points. The acid in ACV helps stimulate digestion juices and improve food breakdown and nutrient absorption. Take 1 tbsp in 1 cup of water about 5 minutes before eating. Additional benefit of doing this is that it can help suppress appetite and prevent you from overeating! ACV also contains probiotics which are healthy bacteria for your gut.
  3. Decrease your body’s inflammation – ACV helps improve overall alkalinity in the body which decreases your body’s inflammation response. Inflammation contributes to cancer, chronic pain and other serious health problems. Because we all generally eat food that increases our body’s inflammation (like meats, eggs, sugar, dairy) we could all use the benefits of this home remedy!

I’d recommend drinking 1-2 tbsp daily either first thing in the morning in 1 cup of water or add to a bottle of water and sip throughout the day. Make sure the type of ACV you take contains the “mother” (Bragg’s is often recommended). The cloudy appearance of this vinegar is important because it shows it contains the healthy probiotic strands.

There are SO many different reasons why ACV vinegar is a must take! I’ve only listed 3 here but you can check out websites that list up to 20 reasons why this folk-remedy is a powerful health booster!

If you are looking for an easy, affordable way to improve your overall health I would highly recommend adding apple cider vinegar into your daily routine.

For additional benefits of ACV check out these websites:


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