About Me

I know what it's like to visit doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, get blood test after blood test and try so many supplements and still not feel great. The cost was astronomical and I was done with a health care system focused on 'fixing' symptoms rather finding solutions. I got my Bachelor of Nursing and always thought I'd end up in medicine but my own health struggles pushed me to start doing my own research in hopes that I would find a healthier alternative to the medications and eventually get a handle on healing by finding a root cause. This led me to study holistic nutrition and homeopathic medicine to understand that:
  • symptoms are your body telling you it's in distress and not meant to be shut down or suppressed
  • your body requires a holistic solution addressing spiritual, physical, mental and emotional areas for healing to truly happen
  • healing is an on-going process and I could trust myself through the process
What makes me unique is that I'm trained in both conventional and natural medicine and so I understand both sides of the health care system. 

Although I am often the last resort for many people seeking healing I feel privileged to walk alongside people in their health journey. I have been gifted the opportunity to help people restore health – whether it’s through overcoming infertility, clearing chronic skin conditions, reducing chronic pain, decreasing the need for long-term medications and more. As a Christian I believe that God created our bodies with the capacity to heal and I love being part of that process.

Besides running my own natural health business I am a gym rat and I love (to my surprise!) weight lifting! I really appreciate art (I love Group of Seven!), music and I enjoy painting (you can find 'artsy' me on instagram @rachel.vh_art). I am an avid reader (fantasy, mystery, historical fiction) and I enjoy baking. I love a good coffee and am a huge fan of gin & tonic on those hot summer evenings!

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